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I don't have windows :(((. I heard it was good. I bet I'd like it

what do you have

tell me



if mac then done ill link it to google drive


Cool Game. It feels like Stanley Parable!

I’m so proud of how you’ve designed and developed a game with a simple yet connected idea using Unreal Engine all on your own! At just 13 years old, you’re already doing amazing things. I can’t wait to see what fun and meaningful games you’ll create next. Have you thought about sharing your game with friends or getting their feedback? That could be a great way to learn and improve even more. Keep up the fantastic work! Love, Dad

good job fixing the audio stuff! and the environment looks so much better now too!!(the audio that triggers directly  behind the player spawn is still just playing over itself if you walk in and out of the boundary)

sorry but didnt have time to fix it ;3

I like how this feel like Stanley Parable, I just couldn't resist pressing the button. A bit of critique maybe if you want player to wait it out try shorting the duration of waiting or more dialogue to keep the player engaged. Other than that its very cool concept

(1 edit)

ok ill try next jam, but i did not want the player to wait . Then press the button to get two voice lines to play 

Yeah, did that. I got (spoiler) lol